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Student Council

We have a Student Council in St Johns Girl’s and Infant Boy’s School because all children have the right to express their views on matters that affect them. The Student Council is a way of giving the pupils of our school a voice.  In our school, the role of the Students’ Council includes -

  • Listening to what pupils in the school have to say
  • Representing the pupils and voices the pupils’ opinions and ideas
  • Consulting and cooperating with all other members of the school community on issues that are of concern to the pupils
  • Keeping the rest of the school informed about issues being discussed and decisions being made
  • Suggesting ideas and coming up with plans to improve the school environment for students
  • Getting involved in activities for the benefit of the school, the local community and the wider world

Classes from 1st to 6th are represented on the Student Council. They meet regularly and in the past have taken part in activities such as organising a Bake Sale, art competitions, Antibullying Week events, making birdfeeders and planting up flower pots. The Student Council keeps the school community informed of what they are up to by making intercom announcements, visiting classrooms and also by posting news on the Student Council notice board.